I've been experimenting with creating cool black and white textured images, which look great and especially suited to the aesthetics of steampunk. They appear old, antiquated, unusual and slightly sinister which I love. Steampunk for me is at it's best when it's a bit edgy, dark and mysterious.
I begin by drawing an image on a graphite base. This involves laying down graphite and basically drawing on this using a rubber. It's quite a slow process but I love the effect. I then scan the image, in either black and white (text) format or greyscale.

I can adjust the brightness and contrast to get a more life-like level of shading, but can increase the contrast and make the images darker, for a more photographic effect. I then experiment in photoshop! Here are a few of my results-

This is my favourite so far- The Cthulhupunk:

Check out my website for much more:
OOAK surreal and whimsical art